Teen & Young
Adult Coaching


Are you stuck?
Do you have racing thoughts that keep you up at night? Do you feel you’re not enough? You have been guided to the right place.
You will finally be enlightened to realize your authentic self, to know how to honor your inner voice and show up. You will learn to be friendly with the inner critic in you so you can finally be your best self and your best friend. You will learn to be understanding and love yourself.

Depending on your intake, you will meet with Elizabeth once a week for 10 weeks. This is where you have a secure base to explore and understand YOU. You will learn to observe and recognize the repeated patterning of your thoughts and beliefs that are getting in the way of your joy and happiness.

I take on the approach that sometimes we all get lost. I simply help you find your way back to your heart that is aligned with who you want to be. Like a flip of a switch, you will finally awaken of this unconsciousness and begin to walk the conscious path and learn to be the controller of your own destiny.
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Parent Coaching


Deepen Understanding
The focus of this consultation is to deepen our understanding of our parenting behavior, patterning, and unresolved inner child that often show up.
You will learn to increase behavioral flexibility using Acceptance and Commitment Training/Treatment (ACT) and the Conscious Parenting Method. RTT®Hypnotherapy may also be effective in diving deeper into having increased clarity in understanding your parenting style and your reactivity.  

Parents are their children’s best teachers. You will be given the tools needed to be effective. You will learn to be the antidote to your child’s misbehavior. You will learn to be the bow that holds the arrow steady. You will learn to see every misbehavior as an opportunity for deeper connection because you will begin to believe in connection before correction.  

Each session is 50 minutes.

If you want to know more about Conscious Parenting Method ™ click here.
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